It might be nearly two hours from here but the food is worth it. Bobbys is a Leicester institution. The best home-made samosas - deep fried on the spot, an all you can eat buffet with no meat in sight, a Thali for one to take home which includes three types of vegetable curry, a dhal, rice, puri and pickles and actually serves two, and all this for under £20. I've been going here for twenty five years, and in the picture is Bobby himself!
And jolly nice it was too.
A brillliant party game - and saves YOU a lot of time too...
Written by Claire
Sarah is making delicious chutney, jams, pickles and relishes at home - most of it from produce she has grown herself. Here is her Hot Chili Jelly recipe - adapted from the River Cottage Preserves book.
750g to 1kg of bell peppers and 100g hot chillies (any colour will do, I like to mix them up)
Large chunk of fresh root ginger - peeled
300ml cider vinegar (you may need an extra 50ml if using more peppers) or other vinegar works if it's all you have.
1 kg preserving sugar (with pectin added)
Juice of 2 limes
A few mint leaves
1 tsp salt
Please wear gloves for the chili's if necessary - then slice all peppers and chillies in half length ways and remove seeds. Finely chop the chillies, peppers, root ginger and mint (in a food processor) then place into a large pan.
Add the vinegar and slowly bring to simmering point. Add sugar, lime juice and salt, stir until the sugar has dissolved and it begins to boil.
Boil for 5 minutes and remove from the heat. Cool for 5 minutes and pot into sterilised jars. Use within 12 months.
You can order from Sarah direct - contact her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
On the specials board at Baileys2 in Bury St Edmunds yesterday, a homemade sundried tomato scotch egg. It was deliciously fresh with a nicely soft yolk. The caramelised onion jam was rather tasty too. Baileys2 have just won the Suffolk magazine award for best Tea and Coffee Shop in Suffolk. Well done!
This must be a great year for Walnuts, look at these booties. Did you know there are 50 varieties, so my Dad tells me, and according to scientists they are the healthiest nut of them all.